One of the things we strive to model within our organization is a culture of generosity. The Kingdom of God and the nature of our God is a generous one! All throughout scripture we see God modeling and defining generosity. We even see where he describes how he will react to our generosity. (See Psalm 41) If you are planning on giving during North Texas Giving Day (Thursday 9/14), we want to share with you 6 of our affiliates and friends we are supporting! This isn’t an exhaustive list by any stretch, but from kids, to missions, religious freedoms and veterans our top 6 covers a lot of bases! I encourage you to look below and see who these great organizations are and how the serve our city!

1) Marketplace Chaplains- is the largest and longest continuing provider of workplace chaplains to corporate America today. Founded in Dallas, Texas, on January 1, 1984, it has expanded every year for the past 30+ years and today serves nearly every state in the country. More than 1,500 chaplains now serve from California to Massachusetts, providing personal care for more than 650,000 employees and family members.

click here to give Marketplace Chaplains

2) Time to Revive- exist to see the body of Christ revived by making disciples to impact cities and transform the nation. Time to Revive is actively equipping the saints for Jesus’ return by uniting and praying alongside believers for personal and corporate revival, and training them to boldly declare Jesus and make disciples.

click here to give to Time to Revive

3) First Liberty- Founded in 1997, First Liberty Institute is the largest legal organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to protecting religious liberty for all Americans.We believe that true religious liberty means recognizing the fundamental right of every individual—including all ages, races, genders, and faiths—to follow their conscience and to live according to their beliefs. Because of that, our mission is simple: protect religious freedom for all.

click here to give to First Liberty

4) Dallas Metro- For almost 30 years Dallas Metro has strived to infuse hope into the children of Dallas’s inner-city neighborhoods. Through various programs, we provide spiritual, social, and physical aid to our city’s most at-risk children. Dallas Metro has impacted thousands of lives, and continually searches out those in need. Every day, our staff and volunteers are out on the streets, bringing hope to the hopeless.

click here to give to Dallas Metro

5) Adaptive Training Foundation- Adaptive Training Foundation’s mission is to empower the human athlete, restore hope through movement, and redefine the limits of individuals with disabilities. ATF now offers REDEFINE, a 9-week intensive training program to Restore, Recalibrate, and Redeploy these athletes to inspire others in achieving what many would view as impossible.

click here to give to ATF

6) Real Options for Women- Real Options for Women has been serving Collin County and North Dallas for over 25 years. Our goal is to empower women to make informed choices when facing an unplanned pregnancy or possible STI infection. We offer free and confidential pregnancy testing, sonograms, pregnancy options information, community resources and STI screenings.

click here to give Real Options